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Hot ingredients:
  • Chicken feet
  • broccoli
  • Ground black pepper
  • FIG
  • Germ-remaining rice
  • Beef
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Steamed Prawns with Garlic Vermicelli Recipes It is a light and fragrant hard dish with excellent hospitality, fast and simple. The vermicelli absorbed the freshness of the shrimp and made it even more delicious. Besides, by adding the baby cabbage leaves can help you digest the greasy food easier. It is suitable for all ages READ THE RECIPE

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Recipes Refreshing Summer—Homemade Pea Jelly “The iced jelly likens a fish, which remains the coldness on the teeth. Intense flavor or light flavor depends on yourself, and what really matters is the cold taste rather than the sour one,” a poem praises. As the weather gets hotter, jelly enjoys growing popularity among the public, more frequent appearing on our table.
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Recipes Self-pampering—Fried Broccoli with Shrimp Broccoli really complements shrimp, decorated with a little carrot, which will be appetizing in summer for the red and green color. And you can also consider it as a slimming diet.
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Recipes Health in Spring—Steamed Chicken with Cordyceps Flower Cordyceps flowers are shaped like golden threads, with a crisp and tender texture and a unique aroma. They are used to cook soup or steamed into vegetables. The taste is extremely delicious! Yummy!
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Summer How did summer catch a cold do? What to eat to supplement physical strength supplement, physical strength, what, Risk, What should I do?, summer READ MORE
Winter How to prevent hair from static electricity in winter static electricity, Hair, Coup, What should I do?, winter, prevent READ MORE
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Men How to regulate and care for the deficiency of kidney in men And, precautions, recuperation, how, kidney deficiency, man READ MORE
Men The way for a man to stop his hair loss Man, top, must see, hair loss, stop, method READ MORE
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One thing a woman can do after 30 to prevent breast cancer Women Preventable, breast cancer, one thing, 30 years old, after that, women
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