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Archives Yangqi should be kept in good health Yin flourishing and Yang declining,red bean soup,Huangdi's internal classics,health preservation,Yang Qi,Yin and Yang should be like a grand theory,modern people,the theory of vital energy and the whole heaven October 12, 2019

When the human body has discomfort, the body is like a cold and humid weather, but as long as the sun comes out, this environment is not conducive to the growth and development of disease. Therefore, we must use our hands to hold the human body's sun up, let it shine on our internal organs, and bring us long-term health.

Nowadays, there are many diseases that are difficult to cure. It is difficult to get good curative effect by conventional methods. How to quickly remove these difficult and complicated diseases has become a difficult problem that has puzzled me for many years. It is precisely these problems that prompt me to constantly think and pursue in my life with the wisdom and experience of the ancients, until one day I re-read the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic and found that there is a very important mystery hidden in it.

This mystery is to protect Yang Qi. The chapter "Qiang Tongtian Lun" in Huangdi's Internal Classic says, "Those with Yang Qi will lose their life if they lose their place. "Yin and Yang should be like the Great Theory" says: Yin and Yang are "the origin of life and death". Zhang Jingyue commented, "The way of life and death is Yin and Yang. Yanglai is a living thing, Yanglai is a dead thing. It is these two words that make me realize the true meaning of curing illness and maintaining health and life, and the problems that have plagued me for many years suddenly penetrate. Originally, people's life is all about "Yang Qi". Only when Yang Qi is firmly protected can all diseases not survive, and only when Yang Qi is vigorous, can the human body's self-rehabilitation ability be brought into full play and medicine have a place of use. It is the weakness of Yang Qi that leads to health problems of one kind or another in our body. Many people's diseases are not cured for a long time because of the uselessness of medicine, but because their own Yang Qi has not been stimulated.

As soon as this train of thought was opened, I immediately found that all the famous Chinese doctors in past dynasties were mobilizing the body's Yang Qi.

Dou Cai, a doctor in Song Dynasty, was a great advocate of Yang Qi health preservation. He emphasized that "if Yang Jing is strong for a thousand years, Yin Qi is strong for death", especially moxibustion of Guanyuan. He believed that people should moxibuste Guanyuan acupoint 1000 strong at the turn of summer and autumn every year, that is, moxibustion for about one month, so they can maintain vigorous energy and physical strength, year after year, for a long time. In other words, it will make the small belly Dantian as warm as a group of suns from time to time, making people happy and harmonious.

This mystery in the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic was discovered by many doctors in ancient times and was successfully used in clinical practice. Since then, when I was treating diseases and giving health guidance to people, I also took fixing and protecting Yang Qi as the core content, with this guidance, many difficult and miscellaneous diseases were solved.

I let people use the method of standing pile to stimulate the whole body Yang Qi, teach people to use acupoints to stimulate Yang Qi, and use dietary therapy to conquer the biggest killer of Yang Qi - dampness. Practice has proved that the effect of this is very good.

2. Why do modern people flourish in perineum and decline in Yang

We should adjust our breathing and diet to nourish our body's yang. In terms of breathing, we should breathe more fresh air with the spirit of heaven and the vitality of all things. In terms of diet, we should use the characteristics of food to help the generation of Yang Qi.

In real life, people with physical disability tend to have the following symptoms: feet and hands are not warm, pale and lusterless, or dark face, obviously afraid of cold, especially sensitive to the cooling of the climate, or waist and back have the feeling of being watered by cold water, like hot tea, hot soup, fatigue and weakness, prone to chronic diarrhea, indigestion, malnutrition, anemia or edema; secondly, slightly exercise is a panic, anemia or edema. Short breath, easy to sweat, or thin stool, not shaped, easy to diarrhea after cold, edema after fatigue, or nocturnal polyuria, decreased sexual desire, male impotence, premature ejaculation, female menstruation reduced, infertility, infertility...

All these are the manifestations of the rise and fall of yin and yang. The human body is shrouded in the haze of the fierce disease, yang-qi deficiency, so these symptoms will occur. Up to now, the above symptoms no longer seem to be exclusive to people with chronic illness and physical disability. Normal people have more or less developed several of the above symptoms. Why do modern people rise and fall in Yin and Yang?

The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic tells us that man is born of heaven and earth. The heaven nourishes man's Yang with Qi and the earth nourishes man's Yin with food. We can see the environment around us. The pollution is too serious. If we breathe in the air of this quality, our Yang must be damaged. In addition, the food on our table is exquisite and rich, and mostly chicken, duck, fish and other "flesh and blood sentimental goods", which can nourish yin best. In this kind of life, many people are rich in body shape, but the spiritual head can not be mentioned.

The spirit belongs to Yang, and the body belongs to Yin. The two are unbalanced. Yin is full of Yang deficiency, which leads to the phenomenon of "Qi is superior to form" in traditional Chinese medicine. "That is, when a person's mental state can not fully control the body, he will become ill and difficult to cure.

This reminds us that we should adjust our breathing and diet to nourish our body's yang. In the aspect of breathing, we should breathe more fresh air with the spirit of heaven and the vitality of all plants and plants; in the aspect of diet, we should use the characteristics of food to help the generation of yang. For example, dampness is a common disease of modern people, dampness is Yin evil, can contain yang, Coix bean soup can remove the dampness in the body, remove the dampness, and the Yang naturally comes out. In addition, we should also pay attention to the food mix, for example, wine and pueraria drink together, can avoid drunkenness; cold crabs, to eat with warm ginger, Perilla leaves, in order to prevent gout. These small problems in life, as long as we pay a little attention, health can make a big step forward!

The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic also tells us that the movement belongs to Yang while the static belongs to Yin. The lack of proper exercise in the body of modern people makes the human body more static and less dynamic, and excessive Yin and Qi. The combination of the two will harm the human body's Yang Qi at the same time, resulting in our body showing a pathological state of Yang deficiency, making our Yang Qi more deficient than the ancients.

The life of all things depends on the sun, and the death of all things depends on the sun. The growth and growth of human beings are dominated by Yang Qi; the generation of essence, blood and body fluid is all based on Yang Qi, but the Yang Qi given by our times, environment and life is too little, so we will have all kinds of diseases today.

3. The Yang Qi is vigorous and all diseases are inviolable.

When modern people have minor illnesses, such as colds, it is not easy to find traditional Chinese medicine. Many people, who have been sick for a long time and are weak in body, often ask me, "What are the causes of my illnesses?" I said, "There is only one root cause of the illnesses you have suffered before and now, that is, the weakness of Yang Qi. "

In the world of life, wind, cold, summer, dampness, dryness and fire in nature are threatening our health all the time. This is what Chinese medicine calls "Six Obscene Evils". There are wind evil in spring, summer evil in summer, dampness evil in autumn, dryness evil in winter. When they invade the human body, some of them will develop quickly, while others will incubate for a long time and transform into various forms of other pathological changes. However, why do some people get sick and others don't?

Originally, the human body itself has the ability to resist exogenous evil. This ability is Yang Qi, which is also called "Wei Yang" or "Wei Qi" in traditional Chinese medicine. Wei means guards and guards. Yang Qi is like a guard of the human body. They are distributed on the surface of the skin (mushroom), responsible for resisting all exogenous evils and safeguarding the safety of the human body.

Anyone, as long as Yang Qi is vigorous, can be free from all diseases. In the world of life, wind, cold, summer, dampness, dryness and fire in nature are threatening our health all the time. This is what Chinese medicine calls "Six Obscene Evils". There are wind evil in spring, summer evil in summer, dampness evil in autumn, dryness evil in winter. When they invade the human body, some of them will develop quickly, while others will incubate for a long time and transform into various forms of other pathological changes. However, why do some people get sick and others don't?

In the six lewd evil spirits, a man with strong Yang can easily keep evil spirits out of his body. Therefore, no matter how bad the environment is, no matter what kind of germs are prevalent outside, he will not get sick. Why can some people escape the plague, or because his Yang Qi is very strong, and the people with Yang Qi deficiency are different, evil in the body surface did not encounter any resistance, they drive straight into, directly injuring the human body.

Therefore, those who suffer from all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases, serious diseases or chronic diseases are basically incomplete and unreasonable Weiyang. They are all due to the lack of Yang Qi, so that various external evil factors gradually occupy the human body and accumulate over time.

The causes of disease are six sexuality in human body and seven emotions in human body. These seven emotions are joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear and alarm. A lot of diseases of the five organs are caused by mood fluctuation.

When does one's mood fluctuate the most? Or when one's Yang is insufficient. People with plenty of Yang Qi are optimistic and open-minded, while those with insufficient Yang Qi are pessimistic and desperate, and they are full of sorrow. Therefore, if we lift up the Yang Qi, we will have a great change in our spiritual outlook. All the diseases caused by the so-called "seven emotions" will be far away from us. Even if we get sick occasionally, the self-healing function of the human body will restore our body to its original state in the shortest possible time.

Moreover, the so-called aging is just the decline of Yang and the growth of yin. Aging is a natural law, but through hard work, it can delay the aging, until nature gives us the limit of life. When people live to the end of their lives, death is no longer a terrible thing, but a great relief and joy.

In a word, as long as we have enough yang, we are not afraid of illness, aging and death. Doctors can only use needles to mobilize the body's Yang Qi and revive the body's self-repair function. If we know how to maintain and cultivate Yang Qi ourselves, then we can say without shame that the best doctor is us.

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