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Women Moisturize the lungs first in summer! Women eat more than 10 kinds of food, water and beauty Moisten the lung,replenish water and beautify the face October 12, 2019

Instead of drinking eight glasses of water a day, you can have a good moisturizing skin. According to traditional Chinese medicine, skin moisturization requires good lung movement.

If the lungs are unable to fully metabolize water, it can lead to dry skin and haggard face. How can we clear the lungs and moisten the lungs, replenish water and beautify the face? Let's have a look.

1. Auricularia auricula

Auricularia auricula is rich in natural vegetable gum, and has the effect of nourishing yin, moistening lung, benefiting stomach and nourishing body fluid. It is suitable for the symptoms of lung-heat cough, dry lung cough, blood in sputum, dry throat and so on. It can be said to be the best product of nourishing yin and moistening lung. In addition, the dietary fiber contained in it can also help gastrointestinal peristalsis, for people with constipation problems are also helpful.

Auricularia auricula and Auricularia auricula also have the same effect, and the nutritional value of Auricularia auricula is higher than that of Auricularia auricula, which is very helpful to protect the intestines and stomach, to improve facial beauty, and to strengthen immunity.

Taboo: Auricularia auricula has the effect of activating blood circulation. It is not recommended for women to eat too much during their physiological period.

2, Lily

Lily is a kind of Chinese medicinal herbs, which has the characteristics of mild bitterness and sweetness. Eating Lily in dry climate can not only nourish the heart, but also moisten the lungs and take care of the spleen and stomach. Lily fresh products also contain mucus, which has the function of moistening dryness and clearing heat, and is also helpful to the metabolism of skin cells.

Fresh lilies are usually used for stewing porridge, which is very effective for people with weak lungs, menopausal women, nervous weakness and poor sleep.

Taboos: Wind cold cough, spleen and stomach deficiency cold, easy diarrhea should not eat more.

3. Chinese yam

Yam is rich in nutrition and has been regarded as a good and inexpensive tonic. It is not only a food material but also a medicinal material. Some people call yam "immortal food", which represents its high nutritional value. Chinese yam has good absorption in intestine and stomach, and is often used to Treat Spleen and stomach weakness, diarrhea and other diseases.

In addition, yam has a large amount of mucin, which can moisturize the skin and alleviate the discomfort symptoms of menopausal women. Especially Japanese yam, which belongs to fine fibers, is more helpful to human health by eating raw.

Taboo: Peel off when eating to avoid abnormal taste such as raw hemp and thorn.

4, honey

Honey has the effect of moistening intestines and lungs. Loquat ointment and pills in traditional Chinese medicine almost use honey preparation.

Because the lung and large intestine are superficial, many respiratory-related diseases can cause gastrointestinal problems. Honey is considered to be the best health food because it can moisturize the respiratory tract and help defecate.

Taboo: Because honey is too sweet, sweet can produce phlegm, phlegm patients should not eat more; cold or hot cough, also not suitable for eating.

5, lotus root

Lotus root is cold in nature and has the function of clearing heat and cooling blood. It is effective for nosebleeds and cough bleeding caused by dry weather. Moreover, it has the functions of invigorating the spleen and stopping diarrhea, promoting appetite and digestion, and is especially suitable for young children.

Lotus root is of high edible value. In addition to the commonly eaten lotus root and lotus seed, lotus root, which belongs to traditional Chinese medicine, can also stew soup, which also has the effect of cooling blood.

Taboo: Lotus root is cold, pregnant women and diarrhea-prone people should not eat more.

6. Brown rice

Traditional Chinese medicine holds that the spleen and stomach are the source of Qi and blood biochemistry, and brown rice, which belongs to grains and grains, has the function of invigorating the spleen and moisturizing the skin and respiratory tract, especially the brown rice film produced during cooking, has higher nutritional value.

Taboo: People with poor digestive function tend to get flatulence if they eat more.

7, pear

Pear has a cooling and moisturizing effect. Tannic acid contained in pear can relieve phlegm and cough, and also has a maintenance effect on the throat.

Eating pear raw can obviously relieve the symptoms of dry throat, itching, pain and constipation in patients with upper respiratory tract infection, while steamed pear with ice sugar is a dietary tonic taught by the older generation, which can nourish yin, nourish lung, relieve cough and expectorate, and has a good moisturizing and protective effect on the voice.

However, due to the cold nature of pear, people with cold constitution tend to eat more stomach cold and have diarrhea symptoms. Therefore, it is suggested that pear slices should be stewed in electric pot to neutralize eating habits by adding jujubes, wolfberries or almonds and shellfish of traditional Chinese medicine.

Taboo: Cold constitution should not eat more.

8, almond

The almond is Chinese medicine almond, not American almond. Almonds are commonly eaten in the United States. In fact, they do not have the taste and value of almonds.

And almonds are sweet and bitter. Sweet almonds are often used in dietary therapy. They have antitussive effect, but contain small toxic hydrocyanic acid. Bitter almonds are mostly used in medicine. Their toxicity is slightly higher than that of sweet almonds, but after cooking, they can reduce toxicity.

Suggestions can be stewed with pear and agaric, which is very effective for severe cough.

Taboo: Do not recommend overeating.

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