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Archives Xiaoshu health care, these three things must be known yo, know early benefit Outdoor activities,summer festival,Lingshu Baibing onset,summer,Coix seed,big summer October 12, 2019

Time flies so fast that in a twinkling of an eye it's the summer festival again. Xiaoshu is usually on July 6, 7 or 8 of the Gregorian calendar. Xiaoshu is the eleventh solar term of the twenty-fourth lunar month and the fifth solar term of summer. Summer heat - means hot; a little heat means that the weather is getting hotter, but it's not yet the hottest time. Although Xiaoshu is not the hottest season in a year, it is followed by the hottest season in a year. There is a folk saying that "Xiaoshu Dashu, boiling up and down". This is the hottest time in summer, and the temperature in many places can even reach 40 degrees Celsius, which can be called "midsummer". At the same time, the humidity is high, high temperature and high humidity make people feel suffocated. This kind of weather is easy to cause many diseases, so how to adapt to the climate characteristics of the summer festival and arrange daily life and diet more scientifically?

First:Focus on health preservation - - calmnessFocusing on nourishing the heart and calming the mind accords with the principle of "nourishing the Yang in spring and summer". The ancient book "Lingshu Beginning of All Diseases" says, "If you are happy or angry, you will hurt the viscera." This means that the emotional activities of the human body are closely related to the viscera. There are certain rules. Different emotional stimuli can injure different viscera and produce different pathological changes. This season advocates the word "Ping". If it is already hot, it should not be excessive, such as great joy and great sorrow, in order to avoid mental damage involving other viscera.


Secondly:Living Attention - Heat ProtectionAfter the summer heat, people are prone to heatstroke when the hot summer comes. Healthy summer resort is the primary task for the health preservation of the summer festival. On the one hand, to avoid heatstroke: around noon to minimize outdoor activities, it is best to go out with an umbrella, wear a hat. Summer days and nights are long and nights are short, mosquito bites at night. Many friends have difficulty falling asleep at night. They wake up early in the morning. They not only have short sleep time, but also have poor sleep quality. It is suggested that we should form a good habit of napping every day, which can make up for the lack of sleep at night. In addition, noon is the hottest time of the day. If we can take a nap at this time, it is very good to relax and recuperate.


Also:Dietary attention - hygienic and light.Summer is the peak period of gastrointestinal diseases, so we must pay attention to food cleanliness and hygiene. The hot and humid climate in summer hinders the spleen and stomach of the human body, resulting in limb weakness, mental malaise, nausea and sweating, loose stool, thick and greasy tongue coating, and even low fever. Eat light and less greasy food. Coix seed, lentil and lotus leaf can be used to cook porridge. Eat mint, ginger, lotus leaf, orange peel and other food to wake up the spleen. You can eat some melon food appropriately. Since ancient times, there has been a saying of "eating melon in summer" among the people. Most melons can clear away heat and dampness, which can help eliminate toxins. They are light and delicious. They are good food for cooling down and preventing heat in summer, and they are also vegetables in season.

It is worth noting that people sweat more in summer and consume more energy. At this time, attention should be paid to avoiding pyrolysis, preventing the loss of water and inorganic salts, especially high-quality proteins. Eggs and milk contain high-quality proteins, which can be eaten in moderation.

Pictures come from the Internet

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