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Archives Why do office workers get sciatica easily? What are the characteristics of sciatica? Sciatica,neuralgia,what,characteristics,why,office workers,easy to get October 10, 2019

Why do office workers tolerate sciatica most? The causes of sciatica in modern office workers are mostly related to their career. In the normal human body, the lumbar spine protrudes forward, while the sacrum (coccygeal keel) protrudes backward, thus forming a normal physiological bend. If office workers want to relieve sciatica, they want to know its characteristics. Let's look at the characteristics of sciatica.

Why do office workers get sciatica easily?

The causes of sciatica in modern working people are mostly related to their professional career. In the normal human body, the lumbar spine protrudes forward, while the sacrum (coccygeal keel) protrudes backward, thus forming a normal physiological bend.

However, most of our office chairs are straight-backed, and the use of computers with both hands stretched forward, as well as the working position of the desk, all increase the burden on the spine. Not only that, some female workers often wear high-heeled shoes, the body's gravity center forward, spinal mechanics changes, resulting in the compression and wear of the lumbar intervertebral disc, leading to disc protrusion, compression of the sciatic nerve, which triggers the occasional severe pain, but also one of the reasons for sciatica.

In view of the reasons why urban office workers are susceptible to sciatica, experts point out that women who often sit in the office should pay attention to correcting their sitting posture. They should get up and walk every hour to relax the cervical spine and lumbar spine. Only in this way can the occurrence of sciatica be prevented more effectively.

Root sciatica is mainly located in the lumbar spinal canal, such as lumbar disc herniation, lumbar canal tumors, lumbar bone tumors, lumbar tuberculosis, degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis and adjacent tissue injury caused by lumbar spondylolysis, can cause root Sciatica by compressing nerve roots in the intervertebral foramen area.

The main pathological changes of dry sciatica are located outside the spinal canal. The common pathological changes are lumbosacral plexus and near the nerve trunk. For example, sacroiliac arthritis, hip arthritis, various injuries, tumors of the nerve itself, and some metabolic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus and arterial endometritis of the lower extremities, can also manifest sciatica.

Characteristics of sciatica

Whether it is dry sciatica or radicular sciatica, the pain has its own characteristics:

Characteristics of dry sciatica

Most of the pain is persistent dull pain, and there is paroxysmal aggravation, paroxysmal pain is burning and knife-like nature, and often aggravated at night. Dry sciatica often has the following tenderness points:

1. The buttock point is equivalent to the ring jump point, between the ischial tubercle and the greater trochanter of the femur.

2. The popliteal point is about 2 centimeters above the midpoint of the popliteal fossa line (knee bend transverse lines).

3. Gastrointestinal point: in the middle of the back of the leg, it is equivalent to Chengshan acupoint.

4. Ankle point: equivalent to Kunlun point. More than 90% of patients had positive straight leg elevation test. Muscle relaxation and atrophy, weakening or disappearance of Achilles tendon reflex were also observed in the muscles innervated by sciatic nerve, such as popliteal and gastrocnemius muscles in the back of calf. Acupuncture hypoesthesia was found in the lateral leg and dorsum of foot.

Characteristics of radicular sciatica

Root sciatica is more common than dry sciatica in coughing, sneezing and exertion of pain aggravated, lumbar spinous process and transverse process tenderness obvious, patients supine position, neck flexion or forward bending, the lower extremities of the affected side will automatically bend; at the same time, lumbar and leg pain aggravated, the patient's healthy leg raised, the affected side leg pain. The cerebrospinal liquefaction test can find abnormal protein, red and white blood cells.

Treatment of sciatica

First of all, we should find the cause of the disease, and then for the cause of treatment can not be found for a while. If the pain is obvious, we should rest in bed properly. It is best to sleep in a rigid bed, you can take traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture, moxibustion and massage have certain curative effects on appropriate cases. Blocking therapy for tenderness points is also acceptable. In addition, physical therapy, hot compress, medium frequency electrotherapy, etc. can alleviate pain, oral analgesia, analgesic drugs, numbness symptoms more obvious can take vitamin B1, micobalt and dibazole and other drugs.

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