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Gym Exercise weight loss schedule, remember! Remember,exercise,weight loss,schedule October 10, 2019

6:00-8:00 Low Intensity Exercise

At this time, the body is slowly awakening, the body temperature is low, the joints and muscles are the most rigid. It is recommended not to do excessive exercise, but to do some exercise with low intensity and endurance.

Suggestions: jogging, walking, going up and down stairs, etc.

Matters needing attention:

1. Some people who have the basis of exercise can exercise on an empty stomach after getting up in the morning, but those who have blood sugar regulation, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems, can not exercise on an empty stomach, which may cause physical maladjustment symptoms.

2. Drink plenty of water when you exercise in the morning.

14:30-16:00 Medium and High Intensity Exercise

At this point, muscle strength and elasticity begin to rise, and exercise can reduce the risk of injury. It is suggested to do some strength training to exercise muscles, but also to do some stretching exercises while the body is soft.

Suggestions: Volleyball, swimming, tennis, yoga, equipment strength training, etc.

Matters needing attention:

It takes about two hours after lunch to start exercising.

17:00-19:00 Medium and High Intensity Exercise

At this time, the body temperature is the highest, the muscles are the most flexible, and people's physical fitness reaches the peak, which is the best exercise time of the day. You can do some high-intensity exercise, and the exercise time can also be extended.

Suggestions: Volleyball, swimming, tennis, yoga, equipment strength training, etc.

Matters needing attention:

Dinner will not be eaten until an hour after the exercise is over.

20:00-22:00 Low Intensity Exercise

After dinner, do some low-intensity exercises. Besides losing weight and keeping fit, you can also help sleep. However, do not do strenuous exercise, exercise time should not be too long, so as not to affect digestion and sleep.

Suggestions: Walking, stretching, etc.

Matters needing attention:

Exercise and sleeping time should be more than one hour apart.

High-intensity exercise can be performed two hours after meals.

Medium-intensity exercise should be scheduled for one hour after meals.

Mild exercise is the most reasonable half an hour after meals.

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