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Women What is the blood clot that flows out during menstruation? Need treatment? Aunt October 10, 2019

Many female friends come to aunt will bleed a lot of blood clots, feel like a piece of meat every time, but go to the hospital to check did not find any problems, that is, psychological worries.

Why blood clots?

Blood clots because in addition to normal blood, there are also some endometrial debris, cervical mucus and vaginal epithelial cells in the menstrual blood, these parts are solid.

Secondly, if the blood is blocked in the same area and not discharged in time, the blood clots will be formed after hoarding for 5 to 10 minutes. Blood clots usually come after waking up in the morning or sitting for a long time.

Too many blood clots, dark color


If there are too many clots and the colour is black, other reasons should be considered:

Gynecological inflammation:Gynecological inflammation may induce black blood clots in menstruation. Menstruation can be caused by black blood clots, or by bloody leucorrhea. By observing the leucorrhea, we can preliminarily judge whether there is gynecological inflammation.

If the leucorrhea is bleeding, it is a symptom of gynecological inflammation. Hemorrhagic leucorrhea is common in severe cervical erosion, cervical polyps, endometrial cancer, submucosal myoma and other gynecological inflammation. If these gynecological inflammation is not treated in time, it may lead to ectopic pregnancy.

Extrauterine pregnancy:Ectopic pregnancy can cause menstrual blackening, ectopic pregnancy can lead to rupture of fallopian tube, rupture of gestational sac, which can easily lead to massive hemorrhage, shock, and even death. Ectopic pregnancy refers to the place where the fertilized eggs grow outside the uterus, which will affect the normal fertility.

Irregular menstruation:Black blood clots in menstruation are one of the symptoms of menstrual irregularities. Some are due to excessive fatigue, mental depression, eating disorders, excessive anger, and some may be due to bad habits, leading to endocrine disorders. If the endocrine disorder is not regulated in time, it will cause menstrual disorders.

Experts point out that long-term irregular menstruation can lead to premature amenorrhea, which is a sign of infertility. Menstruation with black blood clots can be large or small, it is recommended to go to the regular gynecological hospital to do a B-ultrasound and endocrine hormone examination in time to check whether the endometrium is thin, whether the estrogen level is low, in order to timely clarify their physical condition.

Why is the color of menstruation light?

Normal menstrual blood is usually dark red. At first the color is lighter, then darkens gradually, and finally turns to light red and clean. If the color is light at the beginning and at the end, you don't have to worry about it. It's a normal phenomenon.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the lighter color of menstruation is deficiency and cold, such as Qi deficiency, blood deficiency, spleen deficiency, kidney deficiency and so on. Daily conditioning is the main method. We should pay attention to abdominal warmth, warm water, proper outdoor exercise and more fruits and vegetables.

What if aunt comes with a bad smell?

Many sister's papers say that aunt's private taste is strange, in fact, menstrual blood itself is odorless, but the younger sister's menstrual period is sultry, humid, and easy to breed bacteria for a long time, the longer the time, the heavier the odor! The menstrual blood hidden in the pubic hair may also emit odor, so it is suggested that cotton underwear should be adopted during physiological period, and sanitary cotton should be replaced as often as possible, not more than 4 hours at a time, so as to reduce skin contact with wet sanitary cotton. When the amount of menstrual blood is large, the number of replacement of sanitary cotton should be increased accordingly.

More importantly, during menstruation, we must be diligent in bathing. If we do not bathe for more than two days, it is unavoidable that menstruation smells bad. In addition, odor may also be a sign of inflammation, mostly for leucorrhea, odor, yellowing. If it is mild, pay attention to menstrual and peacetime hygiene, and according to doctor's advice to use local medication, external selection of drugs, and oral medication. If serious, gynecological examination is recommended to identify the cause.

When you find the abnormal color and shape of menstrual blood, remember to go to the hospital for examination. If you have no problem, you should take the Dingxin pill. If you have inflammation or other problems, you should cooperate with the treatment obediently. Don't go to the hospital because you are embarrassed to aggravate the situation.

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