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Avoid Taboo beef is not suitable for anyone to eat Beef,people eat,what,taboos,not suitable October 12, 2019

Beef is a kind of meat that we like to eat very much. Many people like to eat it. Some people like to use it to cook hot pot, others like to stir-fry. But not everyone is fit for beef. Do you know who is not fit for beef? Let's work it out together.

1. People with skin diseases can not eat beef: because beef is hair, hot sex, if people with itchy skin or eczema eat beef, it will cause aggravation of the disease.

2. People with nephropathy should not overeat beef: beef is a high-protein food, and people with nephritis are not suitable for consumption, which will increase the burden of the kidney, and with aminophylline drugs, it will also reduce the efficacy.

3. People with hepatitis can not eat beef: because beef contains a lot of protein, which belongs to high cholesterol food. And people with hepatitis have their own liver function damage, and eating beef will aggravate liver disease.

4. Old people and children can't eat too much beef: Beef is a kind of indigestible food, if eaten in large quantities, it will bring burden to the stomach of old people and children. If the elderly and children must eat beef, then you can use the high-pressure pot stew mode, stew the beef, which will be more conducive to digestion.

To sum up, although beef can help us enhance immunity, supplement iron and blood, and anti-aging, but when eating, we should also pay attention to the taboo population, patients with kidney and liver disease had better not eat beef, people with poor digestibility should also eat less beef.

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