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Archives The Reason of Halitosis Why Halitosis Halitosis,why,why,smelly October 12, 2019

In this era of pursuing perfection, everyone wants his whole person to be perfect. But many people will appear, because of various reasons of bad breath, especially affect the image. So what's the reason for bad breath? Let's get to know it.

1. Food Residues

After meals, the oral residues are not cleaned up in time, and the residual food will ferment in the mouth, resulting in bad breath caused by putrefaction.

2. Periodontal diseases

People with dental caries (decayed teeth), gingivitis, periodontitis and other oral diseases are prone to bacteria, especially anaerobic bacteria, which decompose to produce sulfides, emit a rotten taste, and then produce halitosis.

3. Adolescent Developing Women

Some women in puberty, ovarian dysfunction, low levels of sex hormones, oral tissue resistance to decline, susceptible to infection bacteria, resulting in halitosis.

4. Gastrointestinal diseases

People often say "intestinal and stomach heat, stomach fire". Such as peptic ulcer, chronic gastritis, functional dyspepsia, etc., may be accompanied by halitosis.

5. Dieting and losing weight

Diet, weight loss, or inability to eat due to illness, or the decline in salivary gland function in the elderly, women during menstruation, endocrine disorders, resulting in reduced salivary secretion, conducive to the growth of anaerobic bacteria, so halitosis occurs.

6. Stimulant food

For example, eat garlic, onions, leeks, onions and so on. These spicy and stimulating foods lead to temporary taste.

7. Long-term smoking

Long-term smokers deposit tar on the surface of their teeth to form smoke spots, which are often combined with dental calculi and dental plaque to form dark-brown stones. Of course, oral hygiene has changed and odors have also been produced.

8. Helicobacter pylori infection

After Helicobacter pylori enters the human body, in order to resist the killing effect of gastric acid, it hydrolyzes urea by urease to produce ammonia, forming a protective layer of ammonia cloud around the bacteria. Ammonia is a stench gas, so Helicobacter pylori infection is a major cause of halitosis.

9. Other factors

For example, nasal sinus diseases, gastrointestinal reflux, diabetes, liver or kidney diseases can also cause halitosis, so go to the hospital in time for examination and treatment.

Generally speaking, halitosis is the most common phenomenon in life, and it is also a disease that troubles many people. It brings a lot of inconvenience to people's life and tools. People dare not communicate with people in close quarters. Psychological inferiority will arise, affecting normal interpersonal and emotional communication.

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