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The Preferred Soup for Autumn Nourishment Lotus Root Cuttlefish Soup Recipes Drink lotus root soup in autumn can not only suit the season, but also can nourish Yin and blood. So it's definitely the best option for people who often stay up late and are not suitable for supplementary. Cuttlefish has the function of removing silt and tonifying liver and kidney. Cuttlefish is also available to people who anemia, dizziness, tinnitus, premature ejaculation, female irregular menstruation, less milk and so on. READ THE RECIPE

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Recipes Autumn Health Soup - Morchella Dendrobium Abalone Duck in Clay Pot Yin-nourishing and dryness-moistening are the health principle for a lot of people in dry autumn. Dendrobium is a common Chinese medicine, but do you know it? How do you eat it?
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Recipes Eat more Pumpkin in Autumn Supplements Coix Seed with Taro in Pumpkin Pot In autumn, the weather is usually dry. It makes people a little uncomfortable, especially the skin, where will be parched. Eating pumpkin is very good for such symptoms.
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Recipes Autumn Best Stomach Nourishment Black Pepper Beef Carrot Porridge Stewed carrot with beef is a very healthy food and it is good for our health to eat it regularly. Its nutritional value is very high and can help us promote gastrointestinal health. Carrots contain beta-carotene, which helps with constipation which caused by autumn. It is not only rich in carotene, but also contains a lot of vitamin A and pectin which is very suitable for people who usually stay up late.
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How about winter Tremella red jujube soup Winter winter, Red jujube, Tremella fuciformis, Yes?, What's the matter with Tom, How's the soup, okay?
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Autumn Drink more of these soups in autumn. They are warm and nourishing Nourishing, Wen Run, Drink more, these, autumn READ MORE
Autumn Drink three cups of tea in autumn and keep these points in mind autumn, what time?, Remember, health preservation, Three cups READ MORE
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Men Four things slow your heart down Heart, yours, slow down, old, faster, man, one thing READ MORE
Men How to deal with chronic gastritis for many years Five, diet, conditioning, gastritis, male, old age, stomach disease, what to do, chronic READ MORE
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What kind of blood tonic food do women eat Women Blood tonic, recommendation, food, what, women
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Gym What is aerobic exercise? What are the benefits of practicing aerobic exercise December 22, 2019
Gym Getting up in the morning and exercising for five minutes makes you feel better October 15, 2019

Gym You know which sports are the fastest and most effective December 21, 2019

Gym How long can I exercise after meals? How to exercise after meals January 02, 2020

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Archives Red jujube can keep healthy and replenish blood, but these 6 kinds of people should eat carefully, otherwise it is harmful to the body!